Contact Pat
Pat played with various R&B groups such as The Experiments, New Directions,
Toronto Revival and The PG Reid Band. Appearing at venues in and around the
Toronto area; University campuses; and covering numerous road tours in South
Western Ontario; the East Coast including Newfoundland, Pat's vocals wooed the
crowds and he became the talk of the town. He has performed with some of
Toronto's top musicians over the years.
Pat’s vocal training began at
Toronto's famed Royal Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Miss John. He
then attended the renowned Humber College's Jazz Program, as a Voice Major under
Clarke Anderson, where he was exposed to the mechanics of music theory; piano;
rhythm and vocal ensemble. He holds a degree in Psychology from the York
University in Toronto. Accompanying himself on the piano, Pat sooths the soul
with vintage Jazz. He hopes to continue writing inspiring songs.
Toronto Revival and The PG Reid Band. Appearing at venues in and around the
Toronto area; University campuses; and covering numerous road tours in South
Western Ontario; the East Coast including Newfoundland, Pat's vocals wooed the
crowds and he became the talk of the town. He has performed with some of
Toronto's top musicians over the years.
Pat’s vocal training began at
Toronto's famed Royal Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Miss John. He
then attended the renowned Humber College's Jazz Program, as a Voice Major under
Clarke Anderson, where he was exposed to the mechanics of music theory; piano;
rhythm and vocal ensemble. He holds a degree in Psychology from the York
University in Toronto. Accompanying himself on the piano, Pat sooths the soul
with vintage Jazz. He hopes to continue writing inspiring songs.